
Showing posts from July, 2018

Metro Atlanta Transit

Gwinnett approves historic transit plan. Now when’s the referendum? Gwinnett  County has 3 referendum options for heavy rail from Doraville.  The AJC only reports 2 options.   However in contrast, the DeKalb BOC has not developed a transit plan for North or South DeKalb for the next 5 years. #1. Gwinnett could vote to join Marta per the Marta Act. #2. Gwinnett could wait until next yr to vote to allow the new ATL regional transit board to approve its rail projects on the condition that Marta operate and maintain the rail line. #3. Gwinnett could vote in November to pay for rail construction per SB 369 (2016 Ga L ) for 1 up to 5 yrs (T-SPLOST )